It is my extreme pleasure to announce once again Colornet Press has won two Bennies, three Awards Of Recognition and one Certificate Of Merit. The Bennies were awarded to Los Angeles Modern Art Auctions Catalog (LAMA), a 320 page + cover catalog and Gehry Partners' National Museum of China Book, a beautiful digitally printed book. The Awards of Recognition went to United States Artist Program Book, Paramount's Discover Theme Park in Spain (Digital) and Lenovo Tablet PC Public Relations Media Kit and finally the Certificate of Merit was awarded to Acura 2012 Facts Guides. This is a great achievement, as you may recall winning two Bennies last year was unprecedented in PIASC's history and doing it two years in a row is again another unprecedented mile stone. Congratulations to everybody at Colornet Press for their hard work And dedication to excellence.We are very proud of this achievement and will hopefully reap the benefits.
Rich Yassamy
General Manager
Colornet Press