Oct 3, 2012

Basic RGB Color Correction

If you find an RGB image with a color cast you can very simply make a quick fix to make it look better:

1. Make sure your monitor is recently calibrated. This is very important.

2. Find the brightest area(highlight) of the image with the eyedropper and Shift Click to create a sample point.

3. Find the darkest area(shadow) and create a sample point.

4. Using curves(preferred) or levels make the highlight r245 g245 b245, the shadow r15 g15 b15.

5a. If there are no skin tones in the image find a medium gray area(mid tone) and make it equals amounts of RGB.

5b. If there is a skin tone do not worry about the mid tone as the skin will draw the most attention in the image. Make the skin tone a ratio of r200 g165 b145. These will vary depending on the darkness of the skin, but keep the same ratio. A more rosy skin would use a G value of 155 while a tanned skin would use a G value of 135.

With practice this can be done very quickly, about a minute per image. It is also a good idea to covert to CMYK before sending us the files to verify how the image will print. See other posts on how to do this.

Jul 17, 2012

Colornet Press PDF Setting file for Adobe Applications

PDF setting file:

To load setting file into Indesign CS6:
Select: File- Adobe PDF Presets- Define...
Select: Load and navigate to the file "Colornet.joboptions"

To use this setting to create PDFs for sending files to Colornet Press:
Select: File- Adobe PDF Presets- Colornet

Save this PDF where you will be able to find it and upload to our server:


Colornet Press wins 2 Bennys, again!

It is my extreme pleasure to announce once again Colornet Press has won two Bennies, three Awards Of Recognition and one Certificate Of Merit. The Bennies were awarded to Los Angeles Modern Art Auctions Catalog (LAMA), a 320 page + cover catalog and Gehry Partners' National Museum of China Book, a beautiful digitally printed book. The Awards of Recognition went to United States Artist Program Book, Paramount's Discover Theme Park in Spain (Digital) and Lenovo Tablet PC Public Relations Media Kit and finally the Certificate of Merit was awarded to Acura 2012 Facts Guides. This is a great achievement, as you may recall winning two Bennies last year was unprecedented in PIASC's history and doing it two years in a row is again another unprecedented mile stone. Congratulations to everybody at Colornet Press for their hard work And dedication to excellence.We are very proud of this achievement and will hopefully reap the benefits.
Rich Yassamy
General Manager
Colornet Press
